US CNN donald trump elon musk

A Mail columnist said Elon Musk’s ‘Nazi salute’ was nothing of the sort and this A++ live TV comeback was simply magnificent

Just in case you’re not familiar with the work of Scott Jennings, he’s a conservative pundit and PR who writes for Mail Online and the LA Times and he’s got no time for the ‘hysterical liberal media’ and the like.

In particular, he’s got no time for what he told his Mail Online readers was the ‘unhinged effort to brand Musk a Nazi for expressing his gratitude to the crowd at Trump’s afternoon rally is evidence that these liberal loons haven’t learned a damn thing – always primed to condemn, censor, even smear’.

Fighting talk!

And we mention all that because Jennings was on CNN saying something similar when fellow pundit, Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, had the best possible response and it was simply magnificent.

The fact he appeared to end up not even looking her in the eye speaks volumes.

And here is just a little bit of how much people loved that.










Donald Trump’s been trolling people’s health care in Canada and this father’s A++ response is the only one you need

Source @Acyn