‘What’s something considered dumb but is actually a sign of intelligence?’ – 22 ways to know you’re cleverer than everyone else
People who know the least say the most, as the old saying goes, and it’s always those who shout the loudest who get the most attention.
And it’s those gobby types who’ll tell you you’re an idiot when in actual fact you’re way more intelligent than they are. Over on Reddit, user SleeperMood_ asked:
‘What’s something considered to be dumb but actually is a sign of intelligence?’
And the answers will just go to confirm what a superior intellect you have.
‘Asking questions to help clarify things you don’t understand.’
”I don’t know enough about that to have an opinion.”
‘My father-in-law is 100% comfortable disputing the world’s foremost experts in atmospheric science and epidemiology despite having exactly 0 minutes of education on either subject.’
‘Self-doubt. Intelligent people examine and re-examine everything, dumb people are confident and satisfied with the first thing they thought.’
‘Changing your mind based on new facts and information.’
‘Keeping one’s mouth shut.’
‘Mispronouncing words because you’ve only read them in a book.’
‘They’re generally understood as low effort and a lesser form of humour, but in my experience the people who enjoy them the most have a playful relationship to language that correlates with intelligence and literacy.
‘Plus, serial punners are in on the joke about how groanworthy their humour is, so there’s a meta layer to making a particularly awful pun and seeing everyone’s eyes roll all the way back into their heads.’
‘Thanking someone for getting corrected.’
‘Emotional intelligence. It gets treated secondary to academic intelligence, but those with emotional intelligence can be truly valuable in negotiations.’
‘Being able to appreciate simplicity.’