Round Ups life hacks r/AskReddit

‘What’s your most unethical life hack?’ – 21 slightly dubious ways to get ahead

Everyone loves the kind of life hack that cuts a few corners and makes their day-to-day existence a little easier, right? But would you be happy to take a make use of a tip that strayed into slightly unethical (but certainly not illegal) territory?

They do over on Reddit. User pizzaguy7712 asked:

What’s your most unethical life hack?

And received plenty of slightly rule-bending strategies to help you get ahead.


‘Tell your coworkers you have terrible hearing (which, personally, partially true, but it’s not nearly as bad as I play it up to be) and everyone feels comfortable whispering around you. I know everything.’


‘I had a conference at a hotel. During a break I went out into the hall and dished up a full breakfast. Turns out the meal was for a completely different conference and our conference only had coffee and muffins. So it was accidental and I never did it again but it would be very easy to do if you needed a meal.’


‘Hotels often have fees if you cancel too close to your intended stay. In a lot of cases you can however call them, reschedule into the future, then wait a bit and call again to cancel, but this time without the fees.’


‘Once talked with a homeless man that mentioned he would often empty and clean out a dog food can and re-fill it with beef stew. He ate it outside of the grocery store while he was asking for money or food and would get hooked up.’


‘Using a second email address to repeatedly claim first-time customer discounts on websites. Not proud of it, but hey, those deals add up.’


‘If you WFH, invest in a mouse jiggler. No one cares in the office when you go for a 10-minute stroll for a coffee but heaven forbid my icon goes orange!’


‘Don’t work hard. Work at the pace of your co-workers. The harder you work, the more that’s expected of you for the same pay.’


‘Wear a skirt and translucent tights to write exams. You can write cheat notes on your legs, cross your leg and subtly pull the tights a bit when you need to see your notes. Most teachers and proctors will not be comfortable asking to examine your leg closer or ask you to take your tights off to check and if they do you can say they’re creepy and threaten to complain about their conduct.’


‘Buy the cheapest tickets you can to a sporting event and then walk to whatever seats are open.’


‘Get rid of mailing solicitations by stuffing heavy crap in their business reply letter. They have agreed to pay the postage, so if it gets delivered postage is due.’


‘This is pretty tame but if your local supermarket has a self serve coffee machine (in the UK we have lots of Costa ones), just get a coffee and don’t take the ticket. No one’s checking if you’re scanning the ticket at the self checkout and the coffee cup won’t set off the alarm.’