‘What’s the most ‘normal’ thing that feels suspiciously illegal when you do it?’ – 23 innocent acts from people with oddly guilty consciences
Ever walked past a police officer and felt like you look highly suspicious, even though you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong?
It’s a very common feeling, and one that extends to doing other, completely innocent things.
Over on Reddit, MysteriousBear11 asked: ‘What’s the most ‘normal’ thing that feels suspiciously illegal when you do it?’ and followed it up with their own example:
‘I’ll go first. Whenever I walk out of a shop without buying something, I feel the need to act extra casual, as if I definitely did not steal anything.’
And it seems there are lots of people out there with a similarly over-developed sense of misplaced guilt, as the answers showed.
‘Phoning in sick when you’re actually sick. ‘Am I really not fit to work today?’ you ask yourself as you crawl to the bathroom.’
‘Walking into a shop with an item in your pocket that you purchased from elsewhere prior to entering, but the shop you have entered sells the same item. Always makes me feel like I have stolen the item and act unnecessarily shady.’
‘Walking through the airport with not a single thing to hide but convincing myself I’m smuggling something illegal.’
‘Getting caught stroking someone’s outdoor cat.’
‘When there’s four adult men 30s or older in the same car. We all get out, it feels like we’re a hit squad or about to rob a bank.’
‘Getting out of, and then back into, the shower if you’ve forgotten something. It feels like an affront to nature.’
‘U turns. I feel bad when I do them, even though there’s no sign telling me not to. Like I deserve to spend two minutes going in the wrong direction for missing my turning.’
‘Walking into a bank. I always try and keep my eyes at ground level so they don’t think I’m scoping out where the cameras are.’
‘Overtaking a police car on a dual carriageway.’
‘Walking behind old people in the street. I get paranoid thinking are they worried I’m trying to mug them. I then to proceed to try and walk in the least intimidating way.’
‘Walking through a train station ticket barrier that has been left open, even when you’ve got a ticket.’
‘Knocking on people’s doors. Feels rude for some reason. Like I’m summoning them.’