Jordan Peterson’s anti-woke rant about paper towel guidance is still one of his greatest self-owns
Professor of Psychology and self-appointed anti-political-correctness warrior, Jordan B. Peterson prides himself on his cool-headed rational approach to discussing what he sees as the spread of woke culture.
It’s fair to say that the mask slipped when he was confronted by the horrible liberty-threatening spectacle of advice against using an unnecessarily large amount of paper towels.
Peterson added an explanation.
We’d like to be a fly on the wall when he sees a ‘Fasten seatbelt’ sign on a plane, or a recipe suggestion on a packet of rice.
The takedowns were a thing of beauty.
asserting your masculinity by beefing with a paper towel dispenser https://t.co/YISnooYuMa
— matt (@mattxiv) February 22, 2023
Imagine being as well-educated on culture and history as Jordan Peterson clearly is, and thinking this mumbled request not to waste paper is ‘tyranny’. https://t.co/gAtM7guiH2
— Mark Watson (@watsoncomedian) February 22, 2023
It’s going to be fun watching you impotently rage about dumber and dumber things as you age. Please get mad about overnight oats next.
— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) February 22, 2023
He's such a huge arse he probably needs it. So give the lad a break. pic.twitter.com/KaC771Ll3S
— Otto English (@Otto_English) February 22, 2023
People aren’t blind to it. They can see it pretty clearly it’s right there in bright colors and with a big font
— Ed Zitron (@edzitron) February 22, 2023
Nah. It bothers him because he has the maturity of a toddler who doesn't like being told what to do. https://t.co/tGWZnPf2Rv
— David Gorski, MD, PhD (@gorskon) February 22, 2023
#SmallDickEnergy https://t.co/xMzAh9x85E
— Curtis Stigers (@curtisstigers) February 22, 2023
Sir, you’re screaming at a paper towel… https://t.co/fPrDgfDdzq
— Tom Jamieson (@jamiesont) February 22, 2023
i think it's really hilarious that there was a moment when quite a few pundits were like "hey maybe this guy is doing something valuable for our young men" https://t.co/zdEc709p4I
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) February 22, 2023
https://t.co/cVRfWIPJKx pic.twitter.com/vLsUZcs6HU
— Aleph, The Black Ram (@A_Skoteinos) February 23, 2023
Up yours, woke moralists. Tyranny is always petty–and petty tyranny will not save the planet. https://t.co/nUk4ydM3xK pic.twitter.com/DTeuBpQZcO
— Chris (@Lukeurmyson) February 24, 2023
Jordan has morphed into the Old Man Yelling at Cloud meme. https://t.co/4NqduOHH9K
— Anonymous Cowardly Troll-Demon (@ThreeEyedRat) February 24, 2023
We’ll just leave this here.
(4) Because you're the softest being on earth
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 22, 2023
A right-wing podcaster’s sexist shaving rant earned her some hair-raising takedowns
Source Jordan B. Peterson Image Screengrab