Weird World

Drunk Frenchman attempts to resuscitate ‘dying’ rubber dinghy

We’ve all been there – it’s 4am on a Sunday morning, you’re drunk, in a shipyard in Brittany and convinced that a rubber dinghy is dying.

A drunk young man in France tried to resuscitate a rubber dinghy in a shipyard which he believed was a person who was about to die, reports Sentry Review.

He was found “underneath a boat, on his knees, attempting to resuscitate a rubber dinghy,” police told Le Télégramme de Brest newspaper.

The Telegraph adds that the would-be hero had called emergency services and told them to rush an ambulance to the site – he also told the officers that the “victim” was not responding and needed to be saved. He had been carrying out CPR to revive him.

Police took the Frenchman to prison to sleep off his hangover and recover his senses. But presumably not before he tried to perform open heart surgery on his shoes.