Weird World

Pig runs amok in small town, ruins back seat of police car

Last Thursday, a pig managed to escape from its home in a small town in Michigan, before going on the run, chasing people around and emptying its bowels in the back of a police car, reports the Detroit News.

A woman was doing some gardening when the pig appeared, so she called the police when the porcine intruder was distracted by a shiny lawn ornament. Deputy Chief Mark Coil, who has been in law enforcement 25 years, had this to say:

“Just when you think you’ve seen it all … ,” he said. “I’ve seen pigs at large, dogs at large, monkeys at large, parakeets at large, horses at large. For some odd reason Shelby Township is like Noah’s ark.”

The pig’s owner called the station and came to pick her up, reportedly even offering to clean the back of the police car. Here’s a post-arrest video the Shelby police posted to their Facebook page.

If you have been following our piggy story, you will get a kick out of this. Officer Treworgy just sent me this “post… Posted by Shelby Township Police Department on Friday, 29 May 2015

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