
Finally, a one size fits all solution for when they will never, ever let you cancel a contract

We’re not overly familiar with Comcast and the joys (or otherwise) of their Xfinity TV and internet offering.

But we are very familiar with those occasions when a big (and sometimes small) faceless corporation just won’t let you cancel a contract, no matter how many times you ask.

Now, thanks to Redditor BaseballFan2019, we have a one size fits all solution.

‘The only time you’re allowed to break up with cable,’ says BaseballFan2019.

ElJefe543: ‘That’s genius.’

Young2Rice: “Oh. You won’t be paying. We’re done here.”

Liz4984: ‘Comcast just had a drastic rise in ex-customers who are now facing prison sentences.’


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Source Reddit u/BaseballFan2019