
This accidentally slapstick baking demo is the laugh we all knead right now

In spite of there now being plenty of bread – and cake – available in the shops, people seem to have gone baking mad during lockdown, but they’d be well advised to steer clear of copying this unfortunate baker.

The clip, originally shared on Facebook by Andres Percu Alegría, couldn’t have been a better example of slapstick if it had been performed by Buster Keaton.

Now, we don’t have the best grasp of Spanish, but we definitely understood the panicky “Cut! Cut!”

When Giles shared the clip, it certainly seemed to give people a lift.

Artist, Sophie Green, must surely have been speaking for us all when she said this:

Somebody send her some flours.


James Acaster’s ill-fated efforts on Bake Off perfectly capture the creative process

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