
A TikToker’s conundrum over his salt and pepper pots has us all shaking our heads

On TikTok, Garret Burns shared a quandary over a cruet set, and it’s an argument for designers to pack in trying to be clever, because it can backfire.


These are an absolute paradox @morgan.rn

♬ Renee – Sales

That’s two pepper pots, right? TikTok users weren’t much help.

Look at the holes! Salt shakers have more holes than pepper shakers.

Whichever one has more holes is pepper.
Noen Eubanks

Buzzfeed editor Elamin Abdelmahmoud shared the clip on Twitter, where it’s picked up nearly half a million views in a matter of hours.

Twitter wasn’t any help either, but the comments were funnier.

If you were wondering what Garret decided in the end, here’s a follow-up video.


The Great Shaker Decision™

♬ original sound – garret.burns


The Most Confusing Toilets Ever?

Source Garret Burns Image Garret Burns