Simply 13 perfect tweets about Tommy Robinson seeking refuge abroad
You’ve probably seen that Tommy Robinson, AKA Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has claimed he has been forced to leave the UK because he doesn’t feel safe here after an alleged arson attack on his wife’s home.
The former EDL leader is reportedly in Spain and is said to be looking to set up home permanently abroad.
Stephen Yaxley Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) who essentially built a career on criticising refugees has moved to another country for safety…
Read that again to yourself and let the hypocrisy sink in…— Slough for Europe 🇪🇺🎪 (@SloughForEU) July 28, 2020
And it generated no end of responses as you might imagine. Here are our 13 favourites.
Tommy Robinson, a man who slags off refugees for a living, has fled the country claiming “ I didn’t feel safe in my own country anymore”.
Hey Siri, define ‘refugee’?
— Jaack (@Jaack) July 28, 2020
Tommy Robinson feels his family are at risk in this country. So he is relocating to another country to ensure they are safe and can thrive. Finding a house. Putting his children into schools. Hoping to give them a better life.
Let. That. Sink. In.
— Amanda Jennings (@MandaJJennings) July 28, 2020
Also anyone else find it ironic how Tommy Robinson spent him time endlessly abusing refugees and now he has gone to another country for safety?
— Shysteee2018 (@shysteee2018) July 28, 2020
I really hope Tommy Robinson’s just emigrating and not part of a racist exchange programme.
— Oonagh (@Okeating) July 28, 2020
Can Tommy Robinson speak Spanish?
Can’t speak the language, shouldn’t live there, right?!
— Dr Louise Raw (@LouiseRawAuthor) July 28, 2020
trying to work out who has the worse deal here us getting Grant Shapps back or Spain getting Tommy Robinson 🤔
— dave ❄️ 🥕 🧻 (@davemacladd) July 28, 2020
I hope the people of Spain extend ‘Tommy Robinson’ the same warmth and understanding as he’s always extended to those seeking to make a better life for themselves in the UK.
— 🏳️🌈 Max 🏳️🌈 (@SpillerOfTea) July 28, 2020
So Tommy Robinson who has made his entire career about demonising people fleeing their home countries due to fear of violence – he is now fleeing his home country due to fear of violence AND does videos expecting us all to feel sorry for him
The man is a next level charlatan
— The Pileus (@thepileus) July 28, 2020
He changed his name from Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to Tommy Robinson to hide his Irish immigrant parents, now he’s a refugee in Spain, perhaps Juan Kerr?
— Unnamed Insider (@Unnamedinsider) July 28, 2020
Wait, so Tommy Robinson is a refugee now? Also, does he realise Spain is filled with all those foreigner types he’s not too keen on? What next? Katie Hopkins moving to Dubai?
— Jonathan Pie (@JonathanPieNews) July 28, 2020
BREAKING: Tommy Robinson relocating to the Costa Del Arsol.
— Pundamentalism (@Pundamentalism) July 28, 2020
To be fair to Tommy Robinson, he has persuaded me to his way of thinking a bit. I was all about helping refugees, but now he’s one, I’m really not so sure anymore.
— Tiernan Douieb (@TiernanDouieb) July 28, 2020
Breaking: Tommy Robinson moves to Spain because he thinks the UK is unsafe for him and his family.
— The Poke (@ThePoke) July 28, 2020
Tommy Robinson’s own words used against him (again) in this hilarious sketch
Source @SloughforEU