The 14 funniest reactions to the news that Trump had a Diet Coke button in the Oval Office
We were all only too aware that Donald Trump had access to the big red button – or the nuclear codes, to put it less dramatically – and anyone who didn’t breathe a sigh of relief once they changed them hasn’t been paying attention.
But we overlooked the existence of another button in the Oval Office, and this one is a lot funnier. Over to Times Radio’s Tom Newton Dunn.
President Biden has removed the Diet Coke button. When @ShippersUnbound and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we became fascinated by what the little red button did. Eventually Trump pressed it, and a butler swiftly brought in a Diet Coke on a silver platter. It's gone now. pic.twitter.com/rFzhPaHYjk
— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) January 21, 2021
It’s probably just the intercom to an assistant’s office, but Trump’s perception of it says so much.
Imagine being the White House Staffer at the other end, spending your time watching for the signal – alert and ready to carry the cold beverage to the – thankfully – teetotal president.
Of course, a revelation like that wasn’t going to escape without comment – so we picked the funniest.
this is not the change we voted for
if you elect me president in 2024, there will be a Diet Coke button in every home, and butler's will show up every hour on the hour to force Diet Cokes into your hand whether you want one or not
I will drown this nation in aspartame https://t.co/240Ys6gwud
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 21, 2021
The only logical reason I can think to get rid of the Diet Coke button is because Champ is one of those dogs that's been trained to get a beer out of the fridge
— Washington Post TikTok Guy At Sea 🏴☠️ (@davejorgenson) January 21, 2021
— shoopdahoop25 (@shoopdahoop25) January 21, 2021
that butler bringing him his 293791th diet coke of the day pic.twitter.com/p94PK226l8
— releasethehounds__ (@VJam0ney) January 22, 2021
Diet Coke button?
There’s room under that resolute desk for a mini fridge so long as no little Kennedys are still hiding under there
— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) January 21, 2021
Good on Biden for replacing the Diet Coke button with a Freestyle https://t.co/PcjFlGcO1P pic.twitter.com/cqkvUjHL4I
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) January 21, 2021
Wait this was a real thing pic.twitter.com/BLoFGEC94m
— Brett Meiselas (@BMeiselas) January 21, 2021
ME: At last, under the Biden administration, the things that trend under Politics on Twitter will start to get less baffling and ridiculous.
TWITTER: Hold my Diet Coke. pic.twitter.com/x6pwe7tL6Y— Hipster Viking Amy (@lasrina) January 21, 2021