This anti-vax protester got an unexpected and NSFW takedown from a homeless passer-by
There’s an argument to be made that anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-lockdown protesters have dragged out and exacerbated the effects of the pandemic, making the safety measures they hate so much even more necessary.
Over in America, on the famous Hollywood Boulevard, one anti-vax demonstrator was delivered a takedown/fact check by one of the very people she was using to prove her weird point – a homeless man named Ray, from Denver.
It’s NSFW due to the language used.
Hollywood Blvd, Saturday, 11:22 AM:
ANTI-VAXX PROTESTER: Do you see all of these homeless people around. Are they dead in the street with COVID? Hell no. Why?
HOMELESS PERSON (walking by): Because I’m vaccinated you dumb fuck. pic.twitter.com/rPskpOqtKs
— Film The Police LA (@FilmThePoliceLA) October 6, 2021
“Because I’m vaccinated you dumb f*ck!”
Sometimes, the universe deserves an award for timing.
These tweets speak volumes.
reader, I howled https://t.co/vnScmX2SfB
— John Michael McGrath (@jm_mcgrath) October 6, 2021
Lol rule #1 ..never ask a question u don't know the answer to… https://t.co/DLbA7ogadM
— Kathleen Madigan (@kathleenmadigan) October 6, 2021
This is art https://t.co/Htm7U2piAa
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) October 6, 2021
We also thought these reactions from Reddit’s r/facepalm forum deserved an outing.
Pure gold. Short and simple. This made my day.
How does she not crawl under a rock after this?
Why is the antivaxx crowd so small? Because the rest are in the hospital.
Damn I would like to buy him lunch
Redditor u/engages shared this insight into the mind of a covid sceptic.
My neighbor won’t let his kids walk to school because there’s been cougar sightings in the area. Doesn’t believe covid is a big enough deal to get vaccinated for, so he won’t, but 1 cougar related death every 20 years is a threat to take serious.
We sincerely hope that neither the cougar nor the coronavirus comes back to bite them on the ass.
If you want to know more about, or help, Ray, there’s more information about him in the Twitter thread following the original tweet.
This brutally frank clapback to an anti-vaxxer takes no prisoners
Source Film The Police LA H/T r/facepalm Image Screengrab