The Unnecessary Inventions guy has found a way to stop uninvited phone swiping
Matty Benedetto is like a modern Leonardo Da Vinci, if Leonardo had a gift for inventing stuff that nobody really needs.
For instance, when everybody was in lockdown, he came up with the Zoom-ouflage Shirt. Matty, not Leonardo.
If that’s no good for you, perhaps you might want a nice set of training wheels for stilettos. Or should that be W-heels?
Or this device for touch-free door opening – perfect for during a pandemic.
But while Matty claims his inventions are unnecessary, we want this one – and you might too.
Redditors were here for the Swiper Stop.
Yet another example of something he meant to invent unnecessarily but in fact has genuine useful applications lol.
What do you mean unnecessary!? Everyone needs one of these!
Duuuuuude my kid won’t stop touching the screen, then gets angry when elmo isn’t on.
I need this!!!!
Uh when you give your kid your phone to watch a video this is perfect to prevent then from screwing up the playback. I would have bought this 10 years ago!
When you listen to music on youtube with your phone in your pocket( every time i move my leg it change song)
A Redditor named u/BigHowski had a theory.
Kinda feel like this was just an excuse to show us your sexy underwear.
And this was Matty’s response.
I don’t know if I would call Croc briefs “sexy underwear”
u/NoobSniperWill came to this conclusion.
Whoever swipes your photo album when you only want to show them one picture is a dick.
12 brilliantly unnecessary inventions
Source Matty Benedetto Image Screengrab