Jess Phillips’ brutal takedown of Matt Hancock was like a gruesome kill on a wildlife documentary
Labour MP Jess Phillips has gone wildly viral after she took former health secretary Matt Hancock to task over allegations that he helped the former landlord of his local pub obtain £40m of government Covid-related work.
Hancock has been doing the media rounds over the last day or two but if they all go as well as this he should probably go back into hibernation.
He appeared alongside Phillips on Robert Peston’s ITV show and this exchange – well, really it’s more of a monologue – is 87 seconds very well spent.
“What an absolute load of rubbish… Did anyone else’s friends get contracts?”
Watch @JessPhillips and @MattHancock disagree over the handling of PPE contracts during the pandemic.
#Peston pic.twitter.com/RGQTvD2IPq— Peston (@itvpeston) December 1, 2021
The look on Hancock’s face should be made available on prescription by the NHS. Should make everyone’s day just a little bit better.
And here are just a few of the many, many things people were saying about it today.
Want to see Jess Phillips handing Hancock his arse?
Here you go. https://t.co/7UeVlvVhvR
— Supertanskiii (@supertanskiii) December 2, 2021
My word. @jessphillips absolutely eviscerates Matt Hancock here for handing PPE contracts to his mates, then claiming “you don’t know what it was like then”. Stunning. pic.twitter.com/v29ri8EByS
— Dr Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) December 2, 2021
If there’s a less smart choice of person for The People’s Partridge to have tried to patronise than @jessphillips, I’m failing to think who she/he might be. https://t.co/n3mwswX3bR
— Andy Cowper (@HPIAndyCowper) December 1, 2021
I see Matt Hancock’s big return went about as well as we all expected
Think he should stick to awkward videos of shaking hands with his local fishmonger https://t.co/OVL8tkXHuj
— Liam Thorp (@LiamThorpECHO) December 2, 2021
Jess Phillips tears Hancock a new one👇👏👏👏 https://t.co/1G7st45V7q
— Andrew Parnall (@dontbrexitfixit) December 2, 2021
Further confirmation here that @jessphillips is the very best of us. The sort of pugnacious, principled, empathetic inclusiveness that improves us both collectively & individually. If there were more of it around, we’d be unstoppable. https://t.co/2IZNFput91
— Pete Paphides (@petepaphides) December 2, 2021
In one word …
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) December 2, 2021
This Tory MP’s Covid ‘gotcha’ was a spectacular self-own and it’s a supremely satisfying watch
Source Twitter @itvpeston