
Trending Google Searches by State is ‘both a genius and hilarious’ way of reviewing the year

Here’s a fascinating look at the year just past, according to the trending Google searches in each of the American states.

And it doesn’t exactly tell the whole story of the year for reasons which are about to become obvious (and that’s a big part of the reason why it’s so good) but it’s 67 seconds very well spent.

And here are just a few of the many comments it prompted.

‘This is both a genius and hilarious way of reviewing the year.’

‘I had a stupid idea just now, what if I get a small screen mounted on my wall, and I set it up to show today’s trending Google searches by state instead of watching the news to figure out what’s going on.’

‘Mississippi f-in loves dogecoin.’

‘How the hell does the entire country decide to Google something and yet I had never heard of it till now? Valheim looks neat though.’

‘Texas every so often remembered the Feb snowmageddon and power failure so we have to re-Google it to remind ourselves.’

‘A lot of people in there who I bet wished they weren’t trending.’

‘I am proud to say that I have never done a search for “Jake Paul”

‘I vaule my brain cells.’

‘You almost got enough braincells to spell value correct.’


This delivery guy went the extra mile to hide a gift (with only one potentially fatal flaw)

Source Reddit u/V1Analytics