Brian Cox sent his old takedown of ISS conspiracy theorists into orbit
Not the first time we’ve featured Professor Brian Cox on these pages and it doubtless won’t be the last.
We mention the good Prof because he just revisited an old takedown of conspiracy theorists who don’t believe the International Space Station is actually a thing and we like both what he said back then, and what he said about it now.
Here’s the tweet that caught the eye of the great man …
Glad Brian got his shit together…. @ProfBrianCox pic.twitter.com/7gUObwGsx5
— Barry Mulligan (@BazzaCC) June 24, 2022
… and what he had to say about it.
I think these were the tweets in which I best captured the majesty, delicate beauty and philosophical elegance of the scientific method. https://t.co/d708Bi4hFc
— Brian Cox (@ProfBrianCox) June 24, 2022
And it took us back to when he tweeted this fabulous correction just a little while back.
Transport Sec Shapps just seized Russian-owned £38m superyacht, under post Ukraine invasion sanctions docked in Canary Wharf… just as it was planning to leave after having attended for the “Superyacht awards”. Shapps: its “a clear stark warning to Putin & his cronies”
— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) March 29, 2022
Detained superyacht is Dutch built Phi, launched only last year, and has a “patented” fresh water swimming pool and “infinite wine cellar”https://t.co/UqmvN5r1J8
— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) March 29, 2022
It doesn’t have an infinite wine cellar. Unless it contains an eternal Kerr black hole, although even then it wouldn’t be a very good wine cellar because you couldn’t get the wine out, at least into our Universe. https://t.co/v2wsV1kCCO
— Brian Cox (@ProfBrianCox) March 29, 2022
And when he took the time out to reply to this reader’s letter in Viz.
https://t.co/X3OJdLgRVu pic.twitter.com/0GaCkeAvNV
— Viz Comic (@vizcomic) January 6, 2022
This is a misunderstanding of relativity by Mr Bandeet because the proper time always increases aboard the Tardis even if it travels along a closed timelike curve. @vizcomic https://t.co/65hHnMKcCM
— Brian Cox (@ProfBrianCox) January 6, 2022
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