
Watch how this baby’s night-time activities make sleep impossible

Over on r/WellThatSucks, someone named u/Aztery has revived this clip from last year, showing one baby tormenting its poor parent when it should be fast asleep.

Well, that does suck. It’s funny, though.

Parents are advised to put their babies down to sleep in their own beds for the child’s safety, but after watching this we can think of another very good reason.

Here are a few things Redditors had to say about it.

Just a restless baby really, you get that at shit hours sometimes. Best to play with them for half an hour then put them back to bed.

This baby isn’t sleepy in the slightest, I get mom is tired but she won’t get sleep if baby isn’t tired enough to sleep too.

The phrase “slept like a baby” as never made sense to me. Babies roll, spin, twist, decide to make noises for no reason, get up to eat, get up to get changed…

Never give coffee to your baby before sleep.

Watching this kind of video is an excellent form of birth control.

We had to take our youngest to “sleep school”

Your best option is to not sleep in the same bed. It’s only reinforcing their behaviour. Our one year old now sleeps like a coal miner after a 22 hour shift.

We can’t argue with u/clamberrypie.

It’s kind of amazing that people go through that and then still go and have another kid.

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Source YouTube H/T r/WellThatSucks Image Screengrab