
Takedown of the day

Latest in an increasingly frequent series, takedown of the day goes to this ‘advice for landlords’ that that was posted on Twitter and has just gone viral on Reddit.

It follows the introduction of emergency legislation in Scotland freezing rents for public and private properties and banning winter evictions.

‘Glasgow is going for it,’ said Here-For-The-Comment who shared it.

And it’s fair to say people loved it, they really loved it.

‘I just wish landlords would quit bitching when the market slows or tanks. There’s a reason they call it an INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Investments can go up or down, just like any stock on the NYSE.

‘The government doesn’t help you when your IRA loses value, so why should you get any kind of bailout on real estate investments?’

‘That’s a common misconception. Landlords love it when the housing market tanks.

‘That means regular people have been foreclosed on and need a place to live without being able to purchase, being forced to rent. It also allows for picking up more properties on the cheap to continue the cycle.’

‘Passive income is just a nice way to say sitting on your ass while someone else’s labor provides for you.’


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Source Twitter @istreasatuatha Reddit u/Here-For-The-Comment