
There’s no such thing as a free lunch

Redditor u/Sunekui brought a legitimate complaint to r/mildlyinfuriating. They said –

“Multi-million dollar company told our 24-person department not to bring lunch since they were gonna feed us as a nice christmas gesture…this is all each of us get for the 10-hour day.”

Whoever coined the phrase ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch’ was entirely correct, because while that may be free – it’s definitely not lunch. Where’s Gordon Ramsay when you need him?

Plenty of Reddit users were extremely sceptical, like this one.

Judging by the grease stains on the empty parts of the plate, that plate was full before you took the pic. Calling a BS karma farm on this one.

u/Suneiki explained that a manager had shared out the available snacks, which hadn’t even included the ketchup, so they’d moved the food out of the way to add it.

Others believed the post because they’d been there and got the t-shirt, but not the tasty meal promised.

My school district last year said they were sending donuts to our school for teacher appreciation day. The donuts arrived a day late, and there weren’t enough for the classroom teachers, let alone the specialists, interventionists, and para educators.

We ended up having to cut the donuts into fourths. Nothing says we are appreciated like a quarter of a stale donut.

Yup! Back in 2012 I was working the opening shift of Black Friday at Best Buy, meaning I was there at 7PM thanksgiving night. The managers all insisted we didn’t need to bring anything, they were covering all the meals. They also took down allergies, and I’m allergic to raw tomato. Even the juice fucks me up.

I didn’t bring my food, and I got there and they had a small mountain of premade sub sandwiches, not even enough for all the employees on site. And there was soggy tomatoes on every single one. I had to call to order Thai for my 15 hour shift. I learned a valuable lesson that day.

Yup. Orchestrated a multi-department relocation due to a renovation our construction department moved up on the timeline. Worked a bunch of overtime to reduce the impact to the users between Christmas and New Years.

CIO decided to reward our department for the effort, and said he’d buy us all pizza. For some reason all the other IT directors got the invite as well, even though they had nothing to do with the relocation. Said it’d be ready at noon.

When we got to the conference room, there was one pizza left for the 8 of us. Apparently the pizzas all got there at 11:30, and the directors ate it all.

Just one story: I used to work for a retail chain. Came to work through a blizzard. The power was out in the store and we worked with our winter coats on in the store. We were told we’d be served dinner. We were presented with three bags of chips and salsa for te entire crew. That’s it. That’s all te food we were given. This retail chain has a grocery department in the store.

Some people were outraged and sympathetic – and also a little mocking.

I never fall for that one anymore. Always bring backup after those claims.

I could buy more food with 3 dollars.

I would email that picture back as a reply to the request not to bring in lunch.

Nice Chick-fil-a kid’s meal you’ve got there.

With a Wendy’s ketchup packet. lol Probably had to root around in the breakroom fridge to find that.

I would have ate it and left and got an actual lunch. That’s sad.

Hey now, inflation screwed you guys out of steak and lobster!

Even if this was a kid’s meal, my 6-year-old cousin would want at least twice that amount.

As a vegetarian, I never trust anyone when they say they’re providing lunch lol! I always bring my own backup as there’s often nothing I can eat. If they surprise you then you already have lunch for tomorrow packed lol!

Got the Fyre Festival lunch special I see…

u/pulsatingsnausage had a sneaky suggestion for getting a top-up.

Bring facial disguises, and work on different accents for extra servings.

Fool them👍

Finally, u/Malkiot explained why they opted out of their work’s Christmas lunch.

My department at the multimillionbillion dollar company I work at did their Christmas lunch yesterday. We were expected to bring food to share. We had to give a reason for not going, I gave “I don’t earn enough to live off, nevermind spend money on coworkers.”

Good call.


People are appalled by the number of potatoes in BBC Good Food’s Christmas dinner guide

Source r/mildlyinfuriating Image r/mildlyinfuriating, Screengrab