Weird World

Did anybody get a worse Christmas present than this fairy tale about Donald Trump?

Over on TikTok, an absolutely incensed @SnoozeAlarmMom has been getting something off her chest.

“Who wants to play ‘what’s the most unhinged thing that a grandma gave the kids this year’?

No matter how unhinged the grandma gifts in your life happen to be, you probably won’t win this one.

@snoozealarmmom Gma back at it again with her uh… whatever she thinks she’s doing with this bs 😬🤣 #wtfgrandma #wtf #booktok #xmas #christmas2022 #unhinged ♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

See – you lost the game, didn’t you?

The Plot Against the King by Kash Patel, is based on the conspiracy theory that voter fraud ‘stole’ the presidency from Trump, and contains barely disguised claims that have been utterly disproven.

GrandMAGA had hidden the book behind a toy in a gift bag, but SnoozeAlarmMom had cunningly whisked it away before the intended recipient had a chance to spot the kiddie propaganda.

from Phew GIFs via Gfycat

TikTok users were outraged on her behalf.

And that’s when grandma would lose visitation time with my kids.

You win 😬
New World Normal

Does she realize you can sign her into a home, Just saying.
Anthony Frank

Do you have a fireplace? Make sure she’s watching while you throw this in there.

This is right up there with the trump bear and the NFT cards lol😂
Amy Beal

Megan Huyghe had an idea –


So she did – at least a few excerpts.

‘King Donald was traveling (US spelling) all around his kingdom giving speeches to enormous crowds of his loving people and asking them to keep the kingdom great by choosing him again.’


I have to do small doses or i might 🤢

♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

‘Around the choosing boxes, everyone voting was looking forward to Donald being chosen again.’


I am unnerved by this alternate reality childrens story 😅

♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

‘At the castle, the counter-uppers had already finished counting. They had changed their minds and finished the job in the middle of the night.’


Part 3 😬

♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

‘This mess could only be made by mules and through our experiments, we’ve determined that there were at least 2000 of them roaming throughout the land last night.

And instead of just passing through a city, each one visited more than ten choosing boxes that Mischievous Metamark set up.’

@snoozealarmmom Part 4? 😭#wtfgrandma #theworststoryevertold ♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

‘They told us we’d make a lot of money if we went to Joe’s friends’ houses and got extra choosing cards.’

@snoozealarmmom Last part of the worst story ever told #wtfgrandma #theworststoryevertold #booktok #christmas2022 #xmas #qanongrandma ♬ original sound – SnoozeAlarmMom

Thoughts and prayers are with SnoozeAlarmMom for having to read that, but does anybody else think it would make a hilarious joke gift?

If Mark Zuckerberg Mischievous Metamark reads it, there might be a lawsuit or two in Trump loyalist, lawyer and now children’s author Kash Patel’s future.


Donald Trump has released NFT trading cards of himself and they’re even worse than you imagine – 28 gobsmacked reactions

Source SnoozeAlarmMom Image Amazon, Screengrab