
A couple were planning to serve only water at their wedding and people had thoughts, lots of thoughts

Over in the corner of Reddit called ‘Am I the asshole?’ a bride to be shared her plans to serve only water at her wedding.

The couple don’t drink, you see, so they didn’t want to serve alcohol. Presumably they drink more than water, but that was the only option they were planning to serve up at the wedding.

And it went viral for reasons that will presumably become obvious.

And in response to the question about being an asshole or not, the verdict appeared to be pretty much unanimous. Here are just a few of the many responses it prompted.


‘I know that technically you could be in the right, but here’s the thing about weddings, the marriage ceremony is for you and your fiancé. The wedding is for everyone you’ve invited, it’s an event you’re hosting, and not providing any drinks other than water makes you a bad host/hostess.

‘I’ve been to dry weddings. There was a couple that put real thought and effort into designing mocktails themed around their relationship. It was delightful and everyone connected to the couple through it. Another couple had a sparkling cider tower in place of champagne and everyone cheered with cider in flutes.

‘When you’re hosting an event, your job as hostess is to take care of your guests. Just because it follows a marriage ceremony doesn’t make you any less the host of an event. And that means providing more than one drink option, especially non alcoholic. Especially to an event your guests are incurring expenses to attend and bringing gifts to.

‘YTA honestly. I fully support a dry wedding but only water as a beverage is being a cheap host.’

‘I went to a dry wedding (the bride and groom had both struggled with alcoholism) that had like 3 different mocktails to choose from and it made it very celebratory and still feel adult. Was a lot of fun.’

‘I hope that in 20 years everyone still saying “you remember that wedding we had to smuggle in a 2 litre of pepsi.”

‘LOL, Half the guests will be in the parking lot during the reception, drinking cans of soda and juice, etc out of the trunk of someone’s car and leave after dinner.’

‘YTA – I don’t have anything against dry weddings but surely you can offer something other than just water. Iced Tea? Lemonade? Something with flavor? When my cousin had a dry wedding she served sodas.

‘Your guests are not likely to think it’s very celebratory if you just serve water. And you would be surprised by the number of people who NEVER drink water, let alone do it at celebrations.’

‘As someone who only drinks water and the occassional tea, YTA. Not about making the wedding dry. That’s perfectly fine. But damn, give people some options to drink. Some carbonated water if anything.’

‘I wouldn’t necessarily say YTA but your wedding sounds boring and I wouldn’t want to go.’

‘YTA, not due to the no alcohol rule. I like drinking, but I can very much have a nice evening without it and whoever doesnt, should check if they have an alcohol problem.

‘I think YTA because only water, no Soda, no juice, no coffee is totally bland and boring.
Why do you even invite people? Why marry with (so many) guests at all? Just let it be the two of you and drink your boring water (and yes, I think of myself as a hydrohomie, but also as someone who loves having guests and spoiling them).’

‘Sounds pretty brutal. How will they wash down their saltine and lettuce entrees?’

Source Reddit u/Odd_Conversation5087 Image Pexels Ivan