
An NHS junior doctor just tore Rishi Sunak a new one and it’s an important, magnificent listen

Rishi Sunak was on Nick Ferrari’s LBC show on Wednesday taking calls from listeners and we’re very glad he did because one caller in particular is about to go wildly viral.

It’s a junior doctor called Olivia who wanted to have a word with the prime minister about his government’s treatment of the NHS and its staff. Quite a few words, in fact.

And the faces Sunak insists on pulling – did he know he was on video? – surely tells you all you need to know about the man.

Give Olivia her own show.

And here are just a few of the many things people said about it.

To conclude …

And this.

Still, best not to criticise Sunak too much though.

No more questions, your honour.

Source Twitter @Haggis_UK