Just when this Nadine Dorries story surely can’t get any more bizarre, along comes the payoff
Nadine Dorries has written a book, you may or may not be glad to know, and it’s called The Plot: The Political Assassination of Boris Johnson.
He’s what??? Oh, political.
And it’s all over the front page of the Daily Mail today and it’s the first dead cat strategy to feature a dead rabbit.
And if you think that’s weird, wait until you get to the last paragraph, as highlighted by the great @Otto_English.
Stop what you are doing immediately.
Read this Nadine rabbit story.
Trust me.
You won’t read ANYTHING madder. Ever. pic.twitter.com/IWU4k8Y6TD
— Otto English (@Otto_English) November 3, 2023
And here it is in full.
There’s normal and then there’s normal. And then there’s whatever the hell it is that we just read.
I think this might actually be the exact moment that British political journalism peaked. pic.twitter.com/J7m7NNX6yn
— Alan White (@aljwhite) November 3, 2023
“He had a rabbit, then he didn’t have a rabbit, which is normal with pets.” https://t.co/WfKo8y6nDs pic.twitter.com/vuats44bQN
— Ross Lawson (@Ross_Lawson) November 3, 2023
Look, the rabbit went to live on a farm. It happens.
It’s a special farm for rabbits that have been hung, drawn & quartered then nailed to the floor, but still. https://t.co/t7fjDbGRju
— Ally Fogg (@AllyFogg) November 3, 2023
It gets harder to tell whether it’s Dallas, Dynasty or Downing Street but can we please get to the bit where someone wakes up in the shower and admits that the script writer has been taking all the wrong drugs? https://t.co/lR3jX0U3sg
— Peejay Adams (@peejay_adams) November 3, 2023
My bunny valentine
— Stuzi (@stuzi_pants) November 3, 2023
Source @Otto_English Daily Mail