
21 fascinating favourite ‘brand new sentences’ found in the wild

12. I brought Yugioh cards to our no-Yugioh holiday


13. Lower case t’s started hurting


14. American horse pirates


15. Who’s getting custody of Syntax Error?


16. When God sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?


17. There was a 22-year window in which a Samurai could have sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln


18. We’ll assume that Darth Maul has never seen any of the films in the Home Alone franchise


19. You’re just a Jenga Tower of blood


20. Spring rolls are unpredictable


21. Cover your shoulders with knives


Then there was the unique description contained within this burn.



These 14 outdated words and phrases make people’s brains hurt

Source r/BrandNewSentence Image r/BrandNewSentence, kroshka_nastya on Freepik