There’s a very well camouflaged snow leopard somewhere in this picture and it’s melting brains everywhere
Here’s a moment or two’s distraction to take your mind off everything that’s going on out there in the real world right now.
It’s a picture of a very well disguised snow leopard that went wildly viral on Reddit because people just couldn’t spot it.
It’s very definitely a case of once you see it, you’ll never unsee it, but – fill disclosure – we didn’t find it without a little helping hand.
‘Spot the snow leopard and the time it took u to spot,’ said pahaare who shared it over on Reddit
No, us neither.
‘Like a minute, lol. i thought this was a close up shot, so i was looking for it in the background.’
lerbthespider‘Yeah same, I couldn’t figure out the scale of it.’
[deleted]‘At one point I thought, is there even one in this picture?’
LykosHellDiver‘Was pretty sure this was a joke post until I checked your comment on where he was.’
And just in case, like this person (and us) you were still struggling.
‘I am basically blind someone help me.’
ayfurlough‘Just below the top pile of snow. Looks like a rock.’
Source Reddit u/pahaare