What looked like the world’s slowest police chase ended with a sweet exchange
The r/MadeMeSmile subreddit describes itself like this –
Welcome! r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit.
That’s what made it the perfect place for u/sweepurh – also known as HarveyRidesBikes – to share this sweet exchange with a police driver.
See for yourself.
See for yourself.
“You’ve saved my day twice now.”
The biker, who has made a name for himself on the streets of London, and on social media, by dispensing pleasantries and either Haribo Starmix or Tangfastics, lived up to the forum’s mission, clearly bringing a smile to Reddit users.
Although, it’s fair to say that Americans were bemused.
As an American, speaking to a cop voluntarily is bad enough. Speaking to one with the intent of correcting them about something… straight up suicidal. What a pleasure it would be to live in a society where you not only don’t have to fear them, but could even have pleasant interactions with them.
He just wanted your Haribo, you played right into his hands.
This video left a big smirk on my face. Good job!
What a WEIRD police interaction. You didn’t even get shot at, or get a knee to the throat for giving him some gummy bears… smh.
In the US you would never ever under any circumstances go up to an officer’s window.
That’s the sort of casual and pleasant police interaction that I wish we had here in the United States. All our police act like Robocops, and think it’s normal.
Top bloke.
I’m going to have to figure out what I can do that will cause a biker to give me a bag of fizzy Haribo.
djh_vanLook out for me! I always carry them for people.
That‘s kinda cute.
Normal people: What a wholesome video.
Arggg y did I watch this!!!
I want haribos nw.
This is just how it should be. It’s just not that hard to be cool to each other.
Not everybody was cool with the officer’s choice of sweets.
He went with plain versus fizzy? Wrong’un!
ManngingerShould be a crime!
We loved this explanation of why Harvey gives out sweets.
Okay so I love sweets in general.
I chat to a lot of people at the lights and the bike gets a lot of attention.
Eye contact and talking to strangers is “banned” in central London. There’s something about having a bike where those “rules” go out of the window. Kind of like having a dog?
The conversions would always die down after “nice bike” “have a good day etc”
I started giving people sweets at that moment, tell them i love them and zip off.
I loved the idea of them getting home to their housemates, wives, husbands, kids etc etc and trying to explain what happened. The confusion of the whole thing.
When I started filming my commutes I chose a sweet that everyone knew, i can easily get and I could keep a tally. Starmix vs Tangfastics.
I’m trying to give out 1,000 packets.
Fun fact – the police officer got packet number 238.
We simply can’t argue with this.
We need more Harveys in the world. Dude is always so happy, vibes with everyone, and gives sweets to total strangers. He even dressed up as Santa and gave sweets to children as well as fellow Londoners for Christmas.
He’s the human version of a golden retriever.
Here’s a snippet of his Christmas delivery.
@harveyridesbikes Happy Christmas Piccadilly Love you x #triumph #bonneville #triumphbonneville #customtriumph #biker #motorbike #motorcycle #scrambler #biker #custombike #custommotorcycle #classicmotorcycle #caferacer #happychristmas #triumphscrambler #london #pov #gopro #harveyridesbikes #santa #christmas ♬ All I Want for Christmas Is You – Mariah Carey
If you want to see more of Harvey’s videos, as well as on Reddit and TikTok you can find him on Instagram and YouTube.
This biker saving a kitten in the middle of the road is a wild ride
Source HarveyRidesBikes Image Screengrab