Jake Humphrey told people to put a ‘tick in the box’ and this A++ comeback surely said it best
Jake Humphrey, the children’s TV presenter turned high performance guru had some advice for anyone who was thinking about not bothering to vote in Thursday’s election.
And it can only be a good thing encouraging people to vote, obviously.
But there was something about his advice which had people narrowing their eyes or perhaps raising their eyebrows (is it possible to do both at the same time?)
See if you can spot it.
Even if you don’t want to vote for you, vote for your children. Vote for their children. Vote for everyone else.
Just ask yourself – which party leaves us in a better place as a nation in 4 years time. And put a tick in the box.
— Jake Humphrey (@mrjakehumphrey) July 3, 2024
And it prompted plenty of very funny and on-point replies, like this.
Just took my 93 year old nan (registered blind) to the polling station. In a loud voice she said 'WHICH ONE IS THE MOST HIGH PERFORMANCE'. A loud cheer went up from the waiting voters. https://t.co/kq4c1u7SDr
— Eugene (@eugeneh84) July 4, 2024
And indeed this.
Just took my 97 year old Great Grandmother down to vote after your inspiring words.
Which one to make a difference she said.
Doesn't matter cos she left her ID at home the stupid, selfish senile old cunt. Well done Jake. https://t.co/xqoPvJQ4a8
— Jamie H (@JamieHComedy) July 4, 2024
But this person surely said it best.
Most people put a cross in the box, but I put a tick in the box. Why? It’s more positive https://t.co/hddcIU3kgM pic.twitter.com/2MiqOIQXpc
— Fisted Away (@fistedaway) July 4, 2024
High energy reply if ever we saw one.
I can imagine him saying this
— Ultra Messi (Fan) (@SuperMessi10i) July 4, 2024
I actually had to click into the tweet to make sure he hadn't said that.
— JP McGee (@Fubble365) July 4, 2024
That's the high performance mindset.
— Johnny Undercover (@jc_noon) July 4, 2024
To conclude …
It’s not hard to imagine him actually saying this https://t.co/KFogNAnZ78
— Caro Rosso (@LaCaroRosso) July 4, 2024
Tim Farron’s savage takedown of Liz Truss just won the funniest election night gag of the lot
Source @mrjakehumphrey