Life reddit

‘What’s something people take too lightly but shouldn’t?’ 17 things we should definitely think about more often

Over on Reddit people have been sharing the everyday things that people don’t think twice about when in reality they should think about them at least three times, maybe even four (or a whole lot more, after Independent_Topic270 asked this.

‘What’s something people take too lightly but shouldn’t?’

And we read all the answers – well, quite a few of them – so you don’t have to and these 17 surely shouldn’t be taken too lightly …


‘Sleep! People often take sleep too lightly, thinking they can get by on just a few hours.’


‘Work/Life balance. No matter where you work, you are replaceable within days. No matter what you do, someone else can do it, too.

‘Spend time with your family, friends, and pets. Your job will not be there for you when you are dying, nor will it care that you are gone.’


‘Earning things, delayed gratification. I never learned this as a kid or teen and now in my 30s having to force myself to put things away or shelf things I want for things I need to do first.’


‘Water, more specifically flowing water with currents. So many people underestimate the power of a flow.’


‘Blood pressure. In the past few years I’ve learned that a number of people in my life just walk around day-to-day close to stroking-out and don’t bother going to the doctor about it.’


‘Wearing a helmet.’


‘Holding friends and family accountable for their words and actions. A lot of people like to think they would act reasonably and morally when their close relationships do terrible things, but they often don’t.

‘Usually they create excuses for the behavior and learn to adapt around it.’


‘Dehumanizing people. Its a very slippery slope to justifying sanctioned violence.’


‘Parenting. I can’t express enough how much of my adult life has been affected because of how I was raised.

‘Take the time to explain things to your kids. Don’t scream at them over small mistakes they make. Don’t abuse spanking because you suck at managing your emotions. I could go on and on with this.