Life conspiracy theories homes
Sharron Davies took aim at ’15 minute cities’ and was schooled into the deep end and back
Sharron Davies, the swimmer turned TV presenter turned much else besides, has been taking aim at the concept of ’15 minute cities’ on Twitter, particularly the consequences it will have for kids who like to get out and about (like she did, presumably, back in the day).
She was stirred into action by this video of a neighbourhood in the Netherlands where people cycle and use public transport and still use cars, they just share them.
“Would you be happy sharing, not owning, a car?”
The WEF: “The Netherlands is building a neighbourhood where every car must be shared. There’ll be one vehicle for every three homes, and no space for privately owned cars.”
“Residents will be encouraged to cycle, use public… pic.twitter.com/u0azCtBarY
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) October 31, 2024
Well that was an instant red flag for Davies, who had this to ay on Twitter.
I’m so not up for 15 min communities. It will not work for families with active kids doing all sorts of activities. And whilst the little people get to live confined with little choice those in the WEF fly in their jets & on their yachts telling ‘ the people’ to reduce their… https://t.co/8oCaS4Jwsc
— Sharron Davies MBE (@sharrond62) October 31, 2024
Yes, who DID vote for globalists, eh? EH?
Except, well, it’s not all quite it seems. And neither, suggested many people, was Davies’s reasoning,
And these people surely said it best.
How does a worldview become so fractured that it ends up interpreting “15 minute cities” as “I’m banned from travelling more than 15 minutes from my house” rather than as “residents have all the daily necessities within a 15-min walk or bike ride, but can of course go anywhere”? https://t.co/HDpEyIZK36
— Edwin Hayward (@edwinhayward) November 3, 2024
15-min communities mean everything you need is in a 15-min walk – like where I live: doctor, library, supermarkets, market, cafes, pharmacies, dry cleaners, chip shop… You aren’t forbidden to go outside! There are buses – I can even go to Islington! But I don’t need a car.
— Lucy R. Fisher (@richmondie) November 1, 2024
A reminder that the ‘15 minute city’ is nothing more than a planning concept that neighbourhoods are designed so most daily necessities and services are within a 15 min walk, bike or bus ride from your home
Claims they’re anything more than that are conspiratorial nonsense https://t.co/Md354QHYxv
— Colin Walker (@colinwalker79) November 1, 2024
This has nothing to do with the WEF
This is an old industrial estate that they’re regenerating into a car free residential area (although there will be car parks on the outskirts – don’t worry!)
Christ, the conspiracy theory bug has really bitten, hasn’t it!
— Emma (@MonkEmma) November 2, 2024
I don’t want to be mean, but anyone who thinks “fifteen minute cities” means people literally won’t be allowed to travel more than a quarter of an hour away from home probably need supervision every time they use a pair of scissors. https://t.co/qLsza4610t
— Tomos Doran (@portraitinflesh) November 2, 2024
Uh, you know you’re allowed to leave the 15 minute city, right?
— SK Media (@SpaghettiKozak) November 2, 2024
The anti-15-minute city maniacs seem to think that you literally cannot ever leave the 15-minute radius lest you’ll be garrotted by an electric wire. I like that my GP, health centre, dentist and most shops I need are within 15 minutes of my house. https://t.co/MsmzH4zfsE
— Georgia Lewis (@georgialewis76) November 2, 2024
Have you heard of local shops?
— Jamie McHale (@jamiemchale) November 1, 2024
Once again for this like Sharron who appear to be hurtling down the conspiratorial rabbit hole on this. 15 minute cities means you have amenities and services you need within a 15 minute walk. It does not mean you are not allowed to leave certain areas. Jesus. https://t.co/ODXc0vHYsx
— Liam Thorp (@LiamThorpECHO) November 3, 2024
What are you on about? You’re taking just nonsense 15 minute communities don’t confine you. they just try to put everything you need within 15 minutes of your home, it’s that simple as a premise, you’re not stopped from doing anything, it’s just trying to make it easier
— Bath’s Honest One (@HonestBath) October 31, 2024