This woman’s takedown of an American survivalist expert is a proper hall of famer
Full disclosure, we hadn’t come across Jonathan T Gilliam before but he’s got quite the CV, according to his Twitter bio – ‘#CHRISTIAN,#NavySEAL, #FBIAgent, #AirMarshal, Best-Selling Author of #SheepNoMore, Crisis Management Consultant’.
Phewf. And never let it be said that he doesn’t take this survival thing seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he takes his guns to bed with him. Not under the bed. In it.
And it prompted this rather fabulous comeback which has just gone viral again on Reddit. It’s not entirely new, but it’s definitely new to us …
Boom. Let’s hope it didn’t prompt yet another crisis he had to manage.
‘They are dreadfully phallic,’ said mrl33602 who shared it over on Reddit. And here are just a few of the responses it prompted.
‘Cuddling your gun is the most disturbing idea I’ve heard of in quite a while.’
AdmiralZeratul‘The amount of attention supposedly stoic gun owners need is so cringeworthy.’
Talsmarca“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Abraham Maslow wrote that in 1962, and I feel like it applies just as well to a lot of people with guns.
Source Reddit u/mrl33602