People have been sharing the biggest regrets of their twenties – 17 life lessons to learn from
‘Not traveling more. Now I have more responsibilities, and it’s harder to go.’
‘Crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t jump puddles for me.’
‘Staying at a dead end job cause I was too scared to pursue my dream career.’
‘Not getting away from my family I realized now they’re all abusive and toxic and don’t give a damn about anything but themselves. I should have left a long time ago, what a waste of time.’
‘Focused on my career. Treated a lot of good women poorly. Avoided getting married. Continued this through my 30s. Now in my early 40s I care less about my career and more about being happy. Dating is absolutely horrible at this age. The good ones are taken.’
‘Not saving 10% of every paycheck.’
‘Lifting with my back instead of my legs.’
‘Waiting. I spent my ’20s waiting. I waited on family, on friends, on significant others, on finding a significant other, etc. Before I knew it, I was 30. Into my ’30s, I stopped waiting. If I want to do something or go somewhere? I go by myself. If we set a date and time, and you back out? I still go. By myself.’
‘What’s the worst Christmas present you’ve ever had?’ – 22 magic-destroying disappointments