Round Ups christmas christmas presents reddit
‘What’s the worst Christmas present you’ve ever had?’ – 22 magic-destroying disappointments
‘An ironing board cover. From my husband. It was on sale at the garage on BOXING DAY.’
‘A trip for two round a vodka factory. It was the year I was in the middle of a divorce from an alcoholic. I wish I was joking.’
‘When I was 16 (M) my grandma gave me a child’s vest that was covered in egg stains she got from a Samaritans shop.
The next year I got an ancient scented, flowery coat hanger. I gave that one back to her for Christmas.’
‘In a work secret Santa I once got an expired Starbucks voucher.’
‘A boxed Pyrex casserole dish from the 1970s, gifted to me in 1990, which had a rim of encrusted burnt food on the inside of the dish. A perfect gift for a 19 year old! I’m 53 and I’ve never forgotten it… so in some ways a winner.’
‘3kg bag of pasta and a Tesco duvet. Didn’t ask for much because I was a student and thought my parents were skint. My brother got a PS4 and a ton of games.’
‘My mother-in-law always gives me bubble bath even though she knows I don’t have a bath in my house.’
‘A square foot of ground in the middle of a field in a remote part of Bonny Scotland. It came with details of a local bed and breakfast that I could book and visit my Kingdom. At least I’m a Laird now!’
‘I got a model kit to make a Spanish Galleon from my uncle when I was 10. It was large box with a beautiful illustration on the front.
‘When I opened it up it was literally a plastic bag with thousands of wooden matches (without the flammable part). No instructions.’
‘Money for driving lessons from my grandmother which my mother promptly stole because ‘we need the money and I can teach you’. I had one ‘lesson’, she kicked me out of the car in the rain after about 20 minutes and made me walk home.’
‘A Euro 96 bath towel… for Xmas 2007.’
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