Life funny reddit work

People loved the tale of this coffee shop guy who pretends to get fired every time a customer makes a petty complaint

This could be the best way we’ve seen of dealing with customers who make petty complaints.

A student who works part-time in a coffee shop went on Reddit to double check they were doing the right thing by pretending to get fired every time a customer found a tiny little thing to complain about.

‘AITA [Am I The Asshole?] for pretending to get fired when customers get a temper with me?’ asked throwRA-fhfsveyary on Reddit.

And here’s what they had to say.

And the internet’s verdict was unanimous.

bellePunk: ‘NTA [Not The Asshole] That’s a perfect way of dealing with hostile customers.’

lolak1445: ‘NTA. I think it’s hilarious and maybe it’ll teach some people a lesson about controlling their assholery.’

Evelynn92: ‘You’re not an asshole at all. You’re the hero retailers need! Brilliant.’


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Source Reddit u/throwRA-fhfsveyary