No prizes for guessing where this very good boy was hiding. His waggy tail was a dead giveaway
TikTok account Winston To The Rescue shares clips of the gorgeous and lovable mutt, Winston, who is a very good boy.
Here he is enjoying a game of hide and seek with his owner – really enjoying it.
@winnietotherescue #gooddog ♬ original sound – Winston To The Rescue
He’ll never win the Canine Hide & Seek trophy, but he can have all the medals he wants for being adorable.
TikTok users thought so too.
I bet he is thinking hehehe I’m so good at hiding!
Crystal Hafner
Did you call the Mystery Inc to help you to solve the mystery of Where’s Winston?
AnnaThat’s the best idea yet! We need Scoob and the gang and The Harlem Globetrotters.
Winston To The Rescue
I just love how they can’t control their tails.
Jennifer Waddell
Give me a break. Dogs are too good for this world.
Mackenna Morse
I can’t stop giggling! Instant seratinin boost!
Cindy Rose
I can’t stop watching this sooooo cute.
This is the equivalent of little kids hiding and then giggling uncontrollably when you pretend not to know where they are.
In case you were wondering …yes, they did manage to find him.
@winnietotherescue The reveal! #gooddog ♬ original sound – Winston To The Rescue
You want more? Of course you do.
@winnietotherescue More of Winston #gooddog ♬ Happy – Pharrell Williams
If you’re on TikTok, give the little fella a follow.
This shepherd dog puppy getting to know its flock is today’s most adorable thing
Source Winnie To The Rescue Image Screengrab, Screengrab