‘What celebrated movie actually has a terrible message?’ – 25 films that you’ll never think about in the same way again
Is there a movie you have uncritically adored for years, and then rewatched it with a fresh eye and realised that the take-home message was not as wholesome and lovely as you had previously thought?
You’re not the only one, because Redditor toreadornotto just asked:
‘What celebrated movie actually has a terrible message?’
And got lots of answers from people who’d had their rose-tinted spectacles smashed when they thought a bit harder when they really thought about what their favourite films were telling them.
‘Grease. Change yourself for the person you fancy!’
‘Don’t forget she also has to take up smoking!’
‘Pretty Woman. The movie perpetuates the idea that a beautiful young woman can be ‘saved’ from her circumstances and find true love and happiness by a wealthy and privileged man.
‘This perpetuates the idea that a woman’s worth is tied to her beauty and financial status, which can be harmful and reinforce patriarchal power dynamics.’
‘The Parent Trap. Who splits up twins and picks which child they rather have to never speak to the other twin ever again. Terrible parenting.’
‘Twilight: Stalk her and she’s yours.’
‘Sleepless in Seattle. If your fiancé, who loves you and is a great guy, has allergies – you should probably dump him because a stranger you heard on the radio might be better.’
‘Mrs. Doubtfire. It’s ok to decieve your ex and kids, infiltrate their lives in disguise and poison your ex’s boyfriend, because you did it for your kids!’
‘Breakfast Club. No one learns anything and they might all actually become worse versions of themselves in the end.’
‘Beauty and the Beast. Just be patient with an abusive man with a violent temper and show him you love him and he’ll change just for you.’
‘Titanic. An old lady thinking about some bum who she had a one night stand with years ago, and then she throws away millions worth of jewelery, when her granddaughter is right next to her. Just imagine being a granddaughter and your old demented granny throwing away your inheritance, and most women think it is a love story for ages.
‘If they would all survive, she would never even think about him again, or if she would move in with him, she would resent him for not providing her with the lifestyle she is used too.’
‘Frozen: Even if your family neglects or emotionally distances you, you’re still responsible for fixing everything.’
‘Never Been Kissed. The teacher was disappointed when he found out she was an adult?? The fuck?’
‘You’ve Got Mail.Don’t date the guy that caused your small, second generation book store to close with his giant corporate book store! It hits differently in today’s society with mom and pop shops disappearing.
‘Shop Around the Corner (the inspiration for You’ve Got Mail) is honestly better at depicting the romance of two people who dislike each other.’