A van pulling out of a junction on an English country road

Round Ups driving reddit

12 of the most jaw-dropping instances of supremely stupid driving from ‘Idiots in Cars’ on Reddit

People have been driving metallic death boxes for more than a century, and recently they’ve got bigger.

Deadlier, too.

And not only because of their heft and horsepower. People – invariably men – have even been known to sever body parts while demonstrating, or failing to demonstrate, the safety mechanisms built into the Tesla Cybertruck.

Don’t believe me? See below for a version that doesn’t involve an actual finger.

John Wayne never actually said “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid”, but whoever came up with it and falsely attributed it to him had a point.

(The line actually appears in the 1973 crime film The Friends of Eddie Coyle, based on a novel by George V Higgins.)

Anyway, we’re getting sidetracked from the matter at hand, which is… Idiots in Cars. As in, idiots in cars, as opposed to idiots testing out the Cybertruck’s ability to slice off a digit.

Here’s one!

Idiot in F-150 jumps median, hits me head on [oc]

Enter: Florida Man

(It was only a matter of time.)

Posts from the idiotsincars
community on Reddit

This poster did well to accommodate a driver who, well, maybe they shouldn’t be driving for much longer.

Elderly woman driving like she’s the only car on the road [oc]
byu/KBHoleN1 inIdiotsInCars

This one made me utter, “the madness of life,” out loud…

[OC] Idiot intentionally blocking anambulance
byu/Babynouil inIdiotsInCars

No phones at the wheel, kids. Sorry, no phones at the wheel, folks.

[OC] Close one for a dummy on her phone.
byu/Diligent_Bit3336 inIdiotsInCars

This isn’t idiocy, pre se. Eerie though. I feel a Drive Thru Horror coming on.

[OC] A white truck in a white out without his headlights on. You can barely see him.
byu/lesbipain inIdiotsInCars

This, on the other hand, reeks of idiocy.

[OC] Stang thought he had it. Pulls in front of semi moving 35mph. Made me chuckle.
byu/Zayafyre inIdiotsInCars

I wonder what’s going to happen next?

Loaded up next to us. Put all of the tile on top of the truck bed cover and took off. [oc]
byu/fishnrodsnhockystcks inIdiotsInCars

Right of way? Right of whose way?

Inattentive driver (didn’t know what hit him) [OC]
byu/Bhalam inIdiotsInCars

This is pretty shoddy stuff.

[OC] Woman trying to insurance scam Amazon in a town near me.
byu/Klin24 inIdiotsInCars

How was your Christmas? I bet it wasn’t as bad as this person’s.

[OC] Merry Christmas from Indianapolis! A very unfortunate way to spend Christmas Day.
byu/Piecesofbits inIdiotsInCars

Back to sunny Engerland for this one. And did those wheels in ancient time…

[OC] Thank goodness for grippy front tyres
byu/Pas_De_Gnar inIdiotsInCars