13 reasons why our life is too short to try to sell (or buy) something on Vented
Back in the day if you wanted to make a bit of money from stuff you were thinking about taking to the charity shop, there was eBay.
Now there’s not only eBay, there’s Vinted too, and it’s either a glorious new opportunity to recycle your old stuff (and buy some bargains) or it’s a portal into some kind of retail hell, depending on your point of view.
Us? We’re the second camp, and here are 13 reasons why
1. The pizza boxes
I bought a ‘grease vinyl’ that was in ‘very good’ condition. I asked the seller for pictures of the vinyl and granted they looked good in the photos. I asked if any jumps and they said ‘yeah they work fine’.
So I bought after this.
A week goes by and I receive the item in a used dominoes box!! Grease and food still in the box stuck to the sides. My living room absolutely reeks of pizza and grease.
Besides this I got the vinyl out and saw it’s full of scratches, dents and even has a ‘P’ initial etched into it. I’m going to leave a review ofc to warn others but do I even bother sending this back for a refund?

Via Reddit/@RelationshipBorn5142
2. The… poop?

Via Reddit/@Chamerlee
3. The packaging
The worst I have had was a cardboard pedigree chum box that had been sealed with tinfoil. Predictably the foil had been ripped in transit so its a miracle all the contents of the box were still in there as it was wide open on delivery.
A ceramic vase sent in a bin liner – arrived smashed to pieces. Seller said it was the postal service’s fault. I said get real .. they are moving millions of parcels a day. I think she was very young so didn’t understand life in general
A (broken) mug sent in a PG tips box
4. The condition

Via Reddit/@Fearless_Wall9689
5. The modelling

Via Reddit/@Steevieboy4u
6. The recommendations

Via Reddit/@Small-Comfortable301
7. The emotions

Via Reddit/@motheronearth
They then said, and I quote, “I give good reviews, I endeavour to do that and, you already accepted my offer, that’s a binding contract”
8. The people

via Reddit/@rllylameprofile
9. The bros

Via Reddit/@davidaka13
10. The… whatever the hell this is

Via Reddit/@childrentrimmypubes
11. The ads for “used” brothers

Via Reddit/@blackguitarwew
12. The overpriced toys

Via Reddit/@RegularGallade
13. And finally, the *sighs* sweat

Via Reddit/JadeChipmunk
I’m never using Vinted again.
Source: r/Vinted