People shared their cringiest teen moments and it’s a hideously relatable read – 17 face-reddening tales
The happy reminiscences of childhood were far from the minds of these Reddit users when PaddedValls asked:
‘What did you do in your teens that you now think back to and cringe into oblivion?’
Instead they were plunged into excruciating memories of their not-so-innocent adolescence. The original poster kicked things off with this embarrassing admission:
‘I went through a phase, as a 17 year old, of going out drinking in a suit. Every weekend. The same suit (washed and cleaned).
‘I never, ever, ever pulled while out in that suit.
‘People told me it was stupid but I thought it was quirky and would make me look cool.
‘It fucking didn’t.
These brave souls had plenty of their own eye-watering stories to share, and it’s today’s most relatable thing. Not all of them, just most.
‘I used to run my fists along a brick wall on my way to the pub so it looked like I’d been fighting. Fuck knows why, I’ve never had a fist fight in my life. And it just looked like I’d run my fists along a brick wall.’
‘I wrote a blog post on Tumblr entitled “why I’m better than most people” which had like ten bullet points.
‘It still makes me want to crawl in a 60ft hole when I think about it.’
‘Was super tight with money even though I wasn’t skint, so in clubs I’d refuse to pay my jacket into the cloakroom to save £2.
‘All my pictures of back then are me drenched in sweat in the club because I’m fucking roasting walking around with a big leather jacket on.’
‘I made a throwaway email address to send anonymous love letters to my brothers friend. I admitted it was me and he immediately told my brother. He did not like me back. It was excruciating.’
‘Post woeful song lyrics as Facebook statuses’
Purchased a fedora and a long coat for similar reasons. This was well before the fedora meme
I don’t know if it makes it more or less tragic, but I was otherwise pretty well adjusted and had a girlfriend, I just thought wearing it would be cool and quirky. It was not. God, just remembered I got a pocket watch too. What an odd person
I’ll bully my brother about his emo phase later to make me feel better.’
‘My friend told me if you make eye contact with somebody you like, it means they like you back. Cue me staring at a lad in the year above daily in the school corridors/assemblies hoping he’d look back at me. Shuddering just thinking about it.’
‘Business casual going out clothes was an actual phase in the early noughties.
‘Oh you look smart, you off to a job interview?’
‘No heading to the club’.