Life reddit

‘What’s something you can’t understand, no matter how simply it’s explained?’ 21 proper head-scratchers to make our brain sweat

Most of us like to think we know how the world works. And even if there’s something we don’t understand, we could learn about it or make an educated guess.

And yet, there are certain things which never seem to make sense. And it can be all the more frustrating when someone has tried to explain it to you in the most basic words possible. It’s a topic which has clearly weighed on mind of Redditor FinalBat4515 as they put this question to r/AskReddit:

‘What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?’

Here are the top replies which reveal we all have our knowledge blind spots. Full disclosure – especially us.


‘The vastness of space. I can’t get my head around it.’

‘How people can be so cruel to others for no reason.’


‘I know the practical side of course, I can use it (not as an electrician of course, but I can hang a lamp and charge my phone), but I don’t understand how it actually works.’

‘Dreaming while sleeping. It’s sometimes just so weird.’

‘Quantum physics.’

‘How 1s and 0s turn into music.’

‘How convicted felons are allowed to be elected President of The United States but a 34-year old with a clean record can’t.’

‘NFTs. Specifically, how they could possibly have any actual value. (Which, I guess, it’s been determined they don’t. 😀 )’

‘The big bang, how nothing can explode into the universe. how there was no time before it.’