Entertainment Yorkshire Peach

This American living in the U.K. raised the important driving etiquette question of who gets to do a ‘thank you’ wave

The brilliant Lisa Dollan – Yorkshire Peach on TikTok – has been entertaining us for several years, as she chronicles the cultural differences she spots now that she’s moved from her native Georgia (U.S.) to the U.K., and she often highlights things we didn’t even know were different.

Here are a few of them gathered into one video.

@yorkshirepeach #americanintheuk ♬ original sound – Yorkshire Peach

It’s true that the Brits embrace a queue with stoicism.

She recently shared a new issue that arose while she and her British husband were in the car.

@yorkshirepeach #americanintheuk ♬ original sound – Yorkshire Peach

Who do you think is right? TikTok users were mostly on the side of Lisa’s husband.


I hate when my husband does the thank you if I happen to be driving – passenger, know your place.
Gem Mac569

Yorkshire Peach


I’m afraid your husband is correct, It is also very important for the driver to thank them for the Thank you, and then thank them for thanking the thank you.
Scott Stevenson


His thank you. The only exception is when saying thank you on the passenger side if it’s a particularly awkward angle and there is a risk that the driver’s thank you will not be seen.


definitely his thank you, it seems patronising somehow for you to also do a thank you. I don’t know why.
Emily Farmahan


I do a thank you too when my hubby is driving- I am a Brit and wasn’t aware this was controversial haha.


Noooo I hate it if passenger waves for me, it’s definitely the drivers wave, sit on your hands.
Amany Taha


Can’t believe you embarrassed him like that.
Louise Bambii


My husband does my thank you and it low key annoys me, especially as he does not have a licence. Ps I have never told him this, I just keep driving slightly annoyed.


Just tell him it’s your new boyfriend your waving at.


Driving manners are shocking now, I been in Australia 20 yrs came back hardly anyone puts hand up anymore, I go crazy.


Of course it is, he’s the driver. The driver also gets to choose the music and the route. Them’s the driver rules.


I do my sisters thank you but only coz she doesn’t.

There was another issue that came up as a result of the video.

Since I moved to Yorkshire, I’ve discovered that drivers are more polite than down south and let you out!

Not so grim up north, after all.

Joe Raw had a very good reason for the passenger to stay out of it.

It’s his thank you. If you both wave I’m spending the rest of my drive home trying to figure out if I know you from somewhere and don’t remember your faces. This worry will be repeated at 3am.



This American woman shared her most embarrassing moment since moving to the UK and it’s a proper treat

Source Yorkshire Peach Image Screengrab, Screengrab