Celebrity comebacks Hugh Grant Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan accused Hugh Grant of hypocrisy and was magnificently owned into next year

Prince Harry claimed a ‘monumental victory’ this week after the Sun admitted for the first time that it engaged in ‘illegal practices’ as part of its parent company’s settlement over unlawful information gathering.

Rupert Murdoch’s company offered the Duke of Sussex a ‘full and unequivocal apology’ and paid reported damages of £10m following a five year legal action.

Calls for a new police and parliamentary inquiry are likely to go unheeded though, and here’s what another high profile phone hacking campaigner, Hugh Grant, made of that.

And it didn’t go unnoticed by Piers Morgan, in whose head Grant lives free when he’s not staying at one of his other homes.

Morgan was already proper fumin’ about the settlement, and here’s what he had to say about Grant.

‘REMINDER: Hugh Grant took many millions of pounds from Rupert Murdoch to make movies for him. #hypocrite’

And Grant’s response cut straight to the point, in magnificent fashion.


Last word to the man himself (no, not Morgan).


Prince Harry got a payout and an apology from Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers, and Piers Morgan was absolutely fuming

Source @HackedOffHugh