Politics grant shapps Royal Navy

Grant Shapps railed against a submarine’s ‘woke’ name change and ended up blown out of the water

Former Tory MP Grant Shapps – you remember – has got the hump with the Royal Navy’s decision – apparently – to rename one of its submarines.

Attack submarine HMS Agincourt will now be called HMS Achilles, either as a tribute to a previous ship of the same name or an outrageously woke gesture to avoid upsetting the French, depending on who you believe.

To absolutely nobody’s surprise anywhere, erstwhile defence secretary Shapps believes the latter.

And we mention it not because we don’t get the chance to write about Shapps so much anymore since he was turfed out at the last election, but because it prompted lots of responses worth sharing, like this one.

And this one.

And this one.

And indeed this one!

But there was one response – have you got it yet? – which blew the rest out of the water. It was a bit of an open goal, to be fair, but all these people hit the target with aplomb.


It’s the absolute absence of any degree of self-awareness whatsoever that really kills.


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