‘People over 30, what advice do you have for younger people?’- 19 especially wise words of wisdom
Young people may think that people over 30 are old and out of touch with nothing of value to contribute to the world, but they could not be more mistaken.
By the time someone hits 30, they’ve racked up huge amounts of life experience. Usually you have to live through dramatic events in order to learn from them, but if you pay attention to the replies to this question from Redditor Fit_Ad7457, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble:
‘People over the age of 30, what advice do you have for younger people?’
Here are the top replies which are honestly sound advice at any age…
‘Don’t be afraid to be single, don’t chase anyone who is emotionally unavailable, exercise if you’re able and save as much money as you can.’
‘Brush your teeth, pay your taxes/bills, eat properly.
‘Be responsible.
‘Own up to your mistakes.
‘And learn to say no.’
‘Slow motion is better than no motion.’
‘When you’re about to give up, remember why you started.’
‘Don’t fear approaching people, take care of your friendships and important relationships, explore.’
‘Don’t waste time on toxic people. They don’t care about your feelings or what they do to you, and no amount of convincing them can make them change how they treat you.
‘Once you notice a pattern of mistreatment, cut them off and don’t go back.’
‘Your hair is perfect. Trust me.’
‘If you find a good partner early on in life, hold on to them.’
‘Lift. It’s so easy to build muscle when you’re young and it will mostly hold as you age.’