Pics Matt Shirley

Telephobes of the world, unite behind this far too relatable chart of phone dreads

Matt Shirley‘s Instagram account is a wealth of charts, for those who like that sort of thing. He tries to make one new infographic every day, and they often really strike a chord.

He gives us a heads up for how to navigate each month …

He understands how the world works.

He explains how we all let our browser tabs get away from us. It is all of us, right?

One gem detailed the fears we may have about using the telephone – and it absolutely nailed our top anxieties.

Dialling the wrong number. Getting their voicemail. Not getting their voicemail. Forgetting their name. Forgetting your own name. That awful moment when you both start talking, then you both stop, then both say "Go ahead"

Fellow phone-phobes took to his comments to agree with his assessment and share other fears.

This comment expresses how a lot of people feel.

If only that were an option for us all.


‘How I Exercise’ might just be the most relatable thing you see today (or not)

Source: Matt Shirley Image Matt Shirley, Pixabay