US cartoons donald trump tariffs

No newspaper would publish this cartoon which perfectly captures what Trump is doing to the US and the rest of the world right now

Donald Trump’s long been talking about tariffs and now he’s got the rest of the world doing it too after he slapped import taxes on a whole bunch of goods coming into the US and the countries where they come from.

Here is the commander in chief talking about the very naughty boys (and girls) of the UK and the EU.

Although the net result will of course be yet more rising prices in the US and everywhere else, as even Trump himself has conceded.

And if one image better captures what Trump is doing to the US and the rest of the world right now, then we’d like to see it.

It’s by cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon – @CH_Cartoon on Twitter – who said he drew it knowing no newspaper would print it.

So he shared it on Twitter instead and it got all the attention it deserved. Which is to say, a lot.

And here’s just a bit of the love people had for it.










In one word.

Follow @CH_Cartoon here!


A Florida ‘child of God’ took aim at Justin Trudeau in the Trump trade wars and it was a self-own visible from space

Source @CH_Cartoon