US jokes

A lorry full of eggs crashed, and there was a mad scramble to make yolks about it – 17 favourites

Egg prices featured rather more heavily in the run-up to the US election than most people would have thought likely – or reasonable.

As avian flu ravaged poultry stock across America, the cost of eggs grew ever higher, and Trump promised he’d bring the prices down on day one.

Well, it looks like he’s too busy giving Elon Musk access to everyone’s financial details and rounding up South and Central Americans to address egg prices in any way.

It’s a topic seldom far from Americans’ thoughts – along with that whole Elon Musk and his gang of tech bros rummaging through their tax records thing.

So, when a truck overturned, spilling its full cargo of eggs onto the highway, people felt compelled to comment.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Egg truck crash causing major delays on 5 Freeway through East Los Angeles

We poached the best reactions from Twitter/X. Omelette them tell their jokes …(No, YOU shut up!)








