
Patch of dirt that resembles 2012 logo slammed by Olympic committee

Olympics News: A large patch of dirt that looks a bit like the 2012 logo has been slammed for copyright infringement by the Olympic committee.

Kenneth Chuff of Hackney, London, was shocked to receive a letter from the 2012 organisers telling him that he could be sued by official Games sponsors for “unauthorised use” of the logo.

“They said is was a direct infringement of the 2012 games logo, and they would sue me.”

“I don’t even know how I’m supposed to get rid of it – it’s dirt. Planting grass seeds would take too long to cover it up. My wife’s out there right now with a green felt tip pen trying to colour in the patches.”

Chuff says the copyright infringement on his lawn was not intentional and was the result of burn marks from a barbecue he had recently. “It’s in the back garden,” said stunned Chuff. “Nobody can see it from the road, I’m not making money from it – the whole thing is ridiculous.”

Chuff is not alone – the Olympic committee has also sent legal threats to another Hackney resident, who reportedly had a bar of soap with five pubes on it that accidentally formed the Olympic rings.

Story+Image: Simon Swatman