Man confronts Muslim woman over Brussels: the only three tweets you need to read

So Twitter is ablaze this today with the news that Twitter user Matthew Doyle accosted a Muslim woman in the street and asked her to explain the terrorist attacks in Brussels.
Of course Twitter was quick to mock the utter absurdity of this with a flood of similar, increasingly ridiculous tweets. Here’s the three absolute best:
I confronted an Irish women yesterday in Camden. I asked her to explain Bono. She said "Nothing to do with me". A mealy mouthed reply.
— robmanuel (@robmanuel) March 23, 2016
I confronted a dog today & asked him about that time when I was 4 and a dog bit me. “woof” he said. A mealy mouthed reply.
— TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms) (@TechnicallyRon) March 23, 2016