
Once seen, this hideous crocheted toy is very, very difficult to unsee

Despite being mostly aimed at children, not all toys seem to be child friendly, like the one that simply repeats the word “skin”, for example, or these weird construction toys that mostly get stuck in kids’ hair. However, the homemade toy field allows unspeakable monstrosities to be created and shared – but hopefully not with anyone we care about.

Curator of Angry People in Local Newspapers, Alistair Coleman, recently spotted a crotcheted baby that raised some questions – most notably, “WTF?”

Let’s take a closer look at that.

We can’t fault the skill involved, but we have to wonder whether it couldn’t have been put to better use than making a baby with a terrifying skin condition – a hat, maybe, or a coat for a chihuahua.

Alistair certainly wasn’t the only person to find it disturbing.

Unfortunately for him, and us, Alistair’s find led him to do more googling and he stumbled upon this absolute gem.

That’s quite enough nightmare fodder for today, thank you. Let us know if you’ve seen a worse toy than the crocheted baby.